
Like our curriculum, our program of clubs and activities is always dynamic, never static. We offer a range of opportunities for student growth and exploration through service-oriented clubs like Sports United and Equine Welfare Club, 文化俱乐部,比如世界文化俱乐部, 还有让学生为现实世界做准备的机会, 比如未来医学领袖俱乐部. When students have a strong interest in developing new clubs, we support and encourage their ideas. A spirit of innovation and social responsibility pervades many of our activities, 特别是全国荣誉协会, 以及我们最活跃的社团——学生会. 无论是在摇滚乐队表演还是为 玫瑰花瓣 yearbook, Knox Students dive into these experiences with energy and commitment.



The students in The 马术俱乐部 come to us with a variety of experiences, ranging from accomplished riders to those who have never before interacted with horses. Club members enjoy bonding with those who share the same passion for horses. 每个星期, our club members learn about the history and the operations of the barn, working hands-on to take care of Knox’s beautiful horses while learning about equine care and safety. Our favorite activities include feeding, washing, and grazing our four-legged friends together.


博彩网址大全学生Christina Tong创立, ‘17, this club group develops a timeline they will follow throughout the year in which they will use research, 讨论和头脑风暴创造独特, 个人和/或团体制作的服装和珠宝. Meetings will include time for business and unscripted time for members to discuss fashion tips, 询问他们正在进行的设计, rave about cool outfits and share information about fashion events. Students will assist with our International Day Fashion Show and with costuming for our Visual and 表演艺术 Department at the discretion of VPA Chair Mr. 安德鲁•瓦格纳. 该俱乐部每年还举办两次衣物募捐活动.


这个俱乐部棒极了! (字面意思). 带上你们的乐器和我们一起来演奏. 你是否想用一些扭曲的吉他来摇滚, 组成古典室内乐组, 或者尝试爵士乐组合, 我们只关心你和你的音乐. Club members write and arrange their own 音乐 or select their own repertoire to perform at various school events. Create your own recordings and YouTube channels to show off your new 音乐!

正念、瑜伽 & 冥想

The Mindfulness Club is centered on the emotional wellness of each individual and is aimed to promote healthy ways of thinking, 生活, 和被. There are a variety of ways that we will be engaging in mindfulness including via group meditation, 瑜伽, 呼吸技巧, 冥想的艺术, 精油, 晶体, 灵气, 走迷宫, 和更多的!


The 模拟联合国 (MUN) club engages in an authentic simulation of the United Nations by learning about the UN system, 辩论的技巧, 妥协, 解决冲突, 和谈判. MUN team members have fun learning about the workings of world diplomacy through the lens of current events and international relations. The club will host talks and presentations from the international diplomatic community, 访问联合国组织和相关民间社会, 并为俱乐部成员举办了一场模拟比赛.

模拟联合国俱乐部于2018年秋季由特朗普先生改革. Sutrisno who was a former collegiate 模拟联合国 participant. 在成立的第一年, the club has grown to be one of the most active and largest club 组织s on campus. 我们的社长带领俱乐部度过了发展的一年. In 2018-2019 the club participated in American University’s 2018 Washington International Relations Conference, 2018年联合国儿童基金会“不给糖就捣蛋”活动, 参观联合国总部, and attended briefings by United Nations staff on topics of UN and World Current Affairs & 联合国维持和平行动, contributed to the annual International Fair and participated in Hofstra University and Herricks 模拟联合国 Conferences.


在这个俱乐部里, 学生设计, write and distribute published work via the School’s three main publications: Scribblers, 蜜蜂纪事, 还有学生年鉴, 玫瑰花瓣. Students have the opportunity to submit original work associated with the arts and humanities to Scribblers, 最终制作出非常独特和个性化的成品. 蜜蜂纪事报——我们学校的报纸, covers happenings around the Knox community while highlighting select events and individuals. 最后, this club produces 玫瑰花瓣 by controlling the entire creative process, 包括内容, 组织, 和设计. Some students may spend more time on one publication than another, but all will earn valuable experience they will use in college and beyond. Each member of this club truly appreciates the value of the printed word.


科学奥林匹克是当地的, 区域, and nationwide STEM competition that engages students in real-world science challenges. Our Science Olympiads team will be traveling to a local high school where they will participate in STEM-related events. Students will team up and compete in a variety of events in the fields of Biology, 化学, 工程, 地质, 物理, 天文学, 电子产品, 和力学. Teamwork skills will be built as students collaborate and share solutions for the challenges in the events they will be competing in.


Student-founded and driven by Brandon Persaud ‘20 the purpose of this club is to seek and provide ways for students in underprivileged areas to have opportunities to enjoy sports. The members will work hand-in-hand with KB Operation Hope to ship and deliver sports equipment and uniforms to needy children who have an interest in athletics. Sports United will also become part of the nationally recognized Student Athlete Leadership Team (SALT).


这个俱乐部的学生分享和讨论传统, 食物, 音乐, and ideals of the many cultures that connect us as a global society. Club members plan and implement our annual International Fair and raise awareness in the school community of the many cultures that are Knox.

Student clubs offer leadership opportunities while allowing students to explore new interests.

我们的正念,瑜伽 & 冥想俱乐部让学生放松和恢复精神.

模拟联合国前往华盛顿特区.C. to participate in The Washington International Relations Conference (WIRC) hosted by American University.